What we offer
The Women’s Centre offers up to 10 free counselling sessions for all women over 18 years old.
To book your first appointment please get in touch with The Women’s Centre by giving us a call on (03) 371 7414 or email admin@womenscentre.co.nz
Our counselling services are popular and there is usually a waiting list. Once you have reached out to us we will add to you the waiting list and let you know when an appointment becomes available.
If you accept the appointment you will be booked in to meet the same counsellor every week on the same day at the same time, for up to 10 sessions.
Counselling appointments are held from Monday to Friday from 9am until 4pm.
Drop-in Centre
Drop-in/Help in a Hurry
If you need help in a hurry and don’t have an appointment these are the times you can drop into the Centre for assistance:
Monday – Friday, 10 am – 2 pm.
Courses, Support Groups and Workshops
The Women’s Centre hosts a wide range of courses, support groups and workshops for women and non-binary people to attend to learn life skills or more about topics which may interest them.
For up to date information about courses keep an eye on our ‘Events’ page or The Women’s Centre Facebook page.
More than 1,000 books are available for clients and members of The Women’s Centre to borrow.
Take a look at the books on offer here and pop into the Centre to loan them out.